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So sick of migraines :(

chronic pain sadness

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Had a really bad one last night

Headache, I’ve never been diagnosed with migraines, but this one has me wondering…

I ended up vomiting from the pain, I couldn’t keep medicine down. Considered the ER briefly, but that would take forever… I finally just passed out only to wake up at 4:00am with my head still splitting. Fortunately I took something and also a little something else that meme-goes with 20 minutes after I woke up and it subsided enough for me to get back to rest.

I was really hating the light so wondering if this is a migraine. It was fcking brutal, but also I’m a severe wimp about some pains like sickness and headaches.

It was full frontal lobe pain, very concentrated in my forehead, but not to one side or the other.

Does that sound like yours at all?

From: Dauros the Deity at 2021-06-16 17:05:29
did not get to try botox, insurance did not have it figured out

stupid insurance

stupid headaches

stupid everything

I think I saw you post about this elsewhere, and I feel for you on that insurance stuff. Good luck, I know that can be tough to work out

I hope you are not regularly going though what I did last night that just sounds awful awful

Nah nothing like that just severely impaired general functionality since the pain was occupying most of my available brain bandwidth

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